Our Motto "Transforming Lives and Restoring Hope!"

In March 2020, during the height of the global pandemic, God reignited a vision given to Rev. Rankin in the year 2000 to plant a new church in Northern Galveston County. He shared this vision for a new church with five men, and together, they united to pray and seek God concerning this new ministry opportunity. After eighteen months of vision casting and strategic planning, these men launched HOHC with 25 charter members on September 12, 2021, at Clear Springs High School in League City, Texas. Since the birth of HOHC, the church has experienced significant growth while worshipping in what we call our tabernacle experience and serving our community. 

House of Hope Church's vision is to build a multigenerational church for life transformation that glorifies God while providing love and hope for our community. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ through the practical preaching and teaching of God's word. At HOHC, we seek to serve rather than be served. 

Our 4 Gs of Discipleship
Gather, Grow, Give, and Go!

We Gather—This encourages our members to gather together in community for Sunday morning worship, fellowship, and ministry-equipping sessions. 

We Grow—This encourages our members to grow beyond the Sunday morning experience and become more like Jesus Christ. Growth opportunities include Weekly Bible Study, Discipleship classes, RightNow Media small group sessions, and Ministry equipping sessions.  

We Give - This encourages our members to give their time, talent, and treasure to support the Mission and Vision of HOHC. 

We Go—This encourages our members to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through relational evangelism to expand the Kingdom of God.